WAMALUG: Meeting: August 15, 1999
Union Station50 Massachusetts Avenue N.E.
Washington, D.C.
Jeff made the original announcement of the meeting on lugnet.trains:
I just want to let everyone in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC know that the first meeting of the Northern Virginia Lego Train Club will take place Sunday, August 15, at Union Station. If you are interested, e-mail me to find out exactly when and where we will meet. Also, don't forget to join the NOVALTC mailing list. Sign up at <www.onelist.com> by searching for "novaltc". You must be a member of Onelist to join, remember.
Hope you can join us!
Union Station was restored over a decade earlier as a bustling retail center and intermodal transportation facility
serving the local subway Metrorail and the federal passenger rail corporation Amtrak and including a bookstore where the three agreed to meet. Stephen let them know how to recognize him:
Just in case I'll be wearing my trademark green floppy hat :-)
Jeff and Chris each identified the color of his hair, his eyeglasses, and his backpack… Stephen first reported on the outcome this way:
...Well, the meeting went great! Seems we are off to a stumbling, but good start! Hopefully, by our next meeting, I'll get us at least a couple of modules built and we can meet somewhere we can put something together and run it around some. :-)
A previous edition of this web site offered this description of the meeting:
...We had our first meeting in Union station on the 15th of August. Jeff, Chris and Stephen showed up and we spent about 3 hours talking about sets we had, sets we wanted, how we survived our dark ages and what we could do as a club. It was a lot of fun, and a good start for the club!!