WAMALUG: Event: October 4, 2003: Fall for Fairfax

12000 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, Virginia

Christina made the original announcement of our appearance at the event in the 10136th message to the mailing list.

Our coordinator for this event was Christina, and she followed up the event in the 10154th message to the mailing list:
Aaron Sneary - A huge Thank You to Aaron for his help with the logistics of this event. First, for all that was involved in getting the play tables to the event and Second, for bringing some great MOC’s. I really liked visually deconstructing the Bust of a female Astronaut in Shuttle Flight Suit ; and the detail in the other space MOC’s; A-LOFT: Linear Oversized Freight Transport A-TTACH: Twin Turbine Antigrav Concrete Hopper.
Jim Foulds and Maelee Foulds: for bringing the temple (several of us are still not sure what those dolls were doing there … ) and for having traveled the greatest distance to join us.
Cris Berneburg and family helped with set up and building as well at taking pictures of the event and the unique creations made by children and adults alike.
Marian Hardy was a huge help making sure the Make and Create brick didn’t get to heavily mixed with the other brick.
Michael Harrod built several great buildings just to have them demolished by the children…
Special thanks to Abe Friedman for taking pictures and Constantine Hannaher for dropping off the banners and helping get them positioned properly.
Nate Jacobs arrived just in time ;-) to help with tear down and to join several of us for a small group dinner. Apparently we were all so hungry we didn’t stop to take pictures of it.
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